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ShIniOp.opo: OPL functions for accessing silkscreen icon information.
Version 1.12 (25 Oct 2004)

Noriyuki Mihashi

    1. Summary
    2. System requiment
    3. Usage
    4. Functions
    5. Note
    6. Licences
    7. Changes history

1. Summary
   This OPL module is made for changing assignment of appication programs to the
   silkscreen icons on the Psion's LCD screen. It has a group of functions to
   reading or modifying information of silkscreen icons in the system shell.

2. System requirement
   This module works on following these machines:
     - Psion Series 5
     - Psion Series 5mx
     - Revo
     - netBook

3. Usage
   The assignment of applications to the silkscreen icons are saved in a setting
   file of the system shell placed to "C:\System\Apps\Shell\Shell.ini". It makes
   possible to change these assignment if you modify the setting file and then
   restart the system shell.

   The information about assignment of applications to silkscreen icons in the
   "Shell.ini" file are described below. Functions in this OPL module modifies
   application UID in these assignment informations.

     Data          Length(bytes)  Meanings
     UID1 (0x10000050)       4    Please see the Symbian OS SDK documents.

     UID2 (0x100000e4)       4    Please see the Symbian OS SDK documents.

     UID3 (0x10000076)       4    Application UID of system shell.

     Chacksum of UIDs        4    Please see the Symbian OS SDK documents.

     Unknown                 4    Please show the Symbian OS SDK documents.
                                  Perhaps the file size coded through following
                                  expression is stored only on right after hard
                                      ( {file size} - 0x2a ) * 0x02

     Unknown                 4    Please show the Symbian OS SDK documents.
                                  Perhaps a value 0x01 is stored only on right
                                  after hard reset.

     Unknown                 4    Please show the Symbian OS SDK documents.
                                  Perhaps the file size coded through following
                                  expression is stored onece after preferences
                                  of system shell were changed:
                                      {file size} - 0x2a

     Unknown                 2    Please show the Symbian OS SDK documents.
                                  It seems that it might be related with file

     Unknown                11    Please show the Symbian OS SDK documents.

     Unknown          (valiable)  Please show the Symbian OS SDK documents.
                                  It seems that it takes 11 bytes on right after
                                  hard reset. This block is lost if onece after
                                  preferences of system shell are changed.

     Unknown                 2    Please show the Symbian OS SDK documents.
                                  Perhaps the offset bytes to trailer from next
                                  address coded through following expression is
                                      {offset bytes} + 0x40

     Preferences             4    Settings in the "Preferences" menu are stored
                                  as sum of following value:
                                    0x00    Never show wallpaper.
                                    0x01    Always show wallpaper.
                                    0x02    Show wallpaper in bookmark folder.
                                    0x10    Show hidden files.
                                    0x20    Not "Show System folder".
                                    0x40    [Fn]+[Enter] to open multi files.

     Length of standard      1    String length of the standrd folder's path
     folder                       starting from next byte. The value set to here
                                  is coded through following expression:
                                     {string length} * 4 + 2

     Standard folder  (valiable)  The value set to "Standard folder" in the
                                  dialog opend by "Preferences" menu of the
                                  system shell.

     Length of bookmark      1    String length of the bookmark folder's path
     folder                       starting from next byte. The value set to here
                                  is coded through following expression:
                                     {string length} * 4 + 2

     Bookmark folder  (variable)  Bookmark folder's path set by "Set bookmark"
                                  menu of the system shell.

     Unknown                 4    Please show the Symbian OS SDK documents.
                                  Perhaps the number of standard buttons in the
                                  toolbar is stored.

     Unknown                 4    Please show the Symbian OS SDK documents.

     Number of silkscreen    1    The number of silkscreen icon's information
     icon's information           through following expression is stored:
                                      {number of icons} * 2

     *** Information of the silkscreen icons are start from next byte. There
         repeats several blocks of silkscreen icon informations.

     a block of silkscreen icon information:
     Position number         4    Position number of silkscreen icon. Number
                                  starts from 0 (System shell).
                                  On Series 5mx, number 11 is often missed if
                                  the "Web" application (UID:0x10000fc0) is not

     Application UID         4    Application UID assigned to this icon.

     Length of caption       1    String length of the caption starting from
                                  next byte. The value set to here is coded
                                  through following expression:
                                     {string length} * 4 + 2

     Caption          (valiable)  Caption of assigned to this icon that is shown
                                  on the "Extras" bar.
     Length of wallpaper     1    String length of the wallpaper file's path
     path                         starting from next byte. The value set to here
                                  is coded through following expression:
                                     {string length} * 4 + 2
                                  It does not exist in Psion Series 5.

     Wallpaper path   (valiable)  The path of wallpaper file that was set on the
                                  "Preferences" menu of the system shell.
                                  It does not exist in Psion Series 5.

     Length of standard      1    String length of standard Agenda file's path
     Agenda file path             starting from next byte. The value set to here
                                  is coded through following expression:
                                     {string length} * 4 + 2
                                  It exists only in Revo.

     Standard Agenda  (valiable)  The file path of standard Agenda file shown on
     file path                    the "Today view".
                                  It exists only in Revo.

     *** Perhaps the trailer block starts from next byte.

     Unknown          (valiable)  Please show the Symbian OS SDK documents.
                                  It seems that it takes 11 bytes on right after
                                  hard reset. This block is lost if onece after
                                  preferences of system shell are changed.

     Unknown                20    Please show the Symbian OS SDK documents.
                                  It seems to be a fixed data.

     Address of              4    Offset bytes to addess that the preferences
     data block                   settiings are stored from absolute address


4. Functions
   Following these functions are defined in ShIniOp.opo.

      It returns version number. $101 means "Version 1.01".

   PSiGetAppUidFromFile&:(fname$, pos%)
      It gets the application UID assigned to specified position of silkscreen
      icon from specified "Shell.ini" file. The first argument "fname$" takes
      the path of "Shell.ini" file. The second argument "pos%" is the position
      number of silkscreen icon.
      It returns application UID if it successed to get. A value 0xffffffff is
      returned if it failed.

   PSiGetAppCaptionFromFile$:(fname$, pos%, uidp&)
      It gets the application caption assigned to specified position of silk-
      screen icon from specified "Shell.ini" file. The first argument "fname$"
      takes the path of "Shell.ini" file. The second argument "pos%" is the
      position number of silkscreen icon. The third one "uidp&" is address of
      the long integer variable to store application UID.
      It returns caption string and store the application UID to the address of
      "uidp&" if it successed to get. An empty string is returned and a value
      0xffffffff is set to the address of "uidp&" if it failed to get.

   PSiSetAppUidToFile%:(fname$, pos%, uid&)
      It overwrites the application UID assigned to specified position of silk-
      screen icon in specified "Shell.ini" file. The first argument "fname$"
      takes the path of "Shell.ini" file. The second argument "pos%" is the
      position number of silkscreen icon. The third one "uid&" is the new appli-
      cation UID to overwrite.
      It returns a value KTrue% if it success to overwrite. A value Kalse% is
      returned if it failed.

      It opens specified "Shell.ini" file for updating. The argument "fname$" is
      the path of "Shell.ini" file.
      It returns a file descriptor if it successed to open file.

      It opens specified "Shell.ini" file for reading. The argument "fname$" is
      the path of "Shell.ini" file.
      It returns a file descriptor if it successed to open file.

      It closes the opened "Shell.ini" file. The argument "fp%" is the file
      descriptor which was returned from PSiOpenShIni%: or PSiOpenrShIni%:

   PSiReadAppUid&:(fp%, no%)
      It returns the application UID assigned to specified number of the silk-
      screen icon. The first argument "fp%" is the file descriptor of opened
      "Shell.ini" file. The second argument "no%" is the position number of
      silkscreen icon.
      A value 0xffffffff is returned if it failed to read UID. The file pointer
      of opened "Shell.ini" file moves to position number of the next silkscreen
      icon when it finished to read UID.

   PSiReadAppCaption$:(fp%, no%, uidp&)
      It gets the application caption assigned to specified number of the silk-
      screen icon. The first argument "fp%" is the file descriptor of opened
      "Shell.ini" file. The second argument "no%" is the position number of
      silkscreen icon. The third argument "uidp&" is address of the long integer
      variable to store application UID.
      It returns caption string and store the application UID to the address of
      "uidp&" if it successed to get. An empty string is returned and a value
      0xffffffff is set to the address of "uidp&" if it failed to get. The file
      pointer of opened "Shell.ini" file moves to position number of  the next
      silkscreen icon when it finished to read caption.

   PSiWriteAppUid%:(fp%, no%, uid&)
      It overwrites the application UID assigned to specified position of silk-
      screen icon. The first argument "fp%" is the file descriptor of opened
      "Shell.ini" file. The second argument "no%" is the position number of
      silkscreen icon. The third argument "uid&" is the new application UID to
      It returns a value KTrue% if it success to overwrite. A value Kalse% is
      returned if it failed. The file pointer of opened "Shell.ini" file moves
      to position number of the next silkscreen icon when it finished to over-
      write UID.

      It returns a long integer value read from current file position as the
      application UID assigned to the silkscreen icon. The argument "fp%" is the
      file descriptor of opened "Shell.ini" file.
      The file pointer of opened "Shell.ini" file moves to position number of
      the next silkscreen icon when it finished to read UID.

   PSiReadCurrentAppCaption$:(fp%, uidp&)
      It gets the application caption from current silkscreen icon information.
      The file pointer must be positioned to the application UID in silkscreen
      icon information block. The first argument "fp%" is the file descriptor
      of opened "Shell.ini" file. The second argument "uidp&" is address of the
      long integer variable to store application UID.
      It returns caption string and store the application UID to the address of
      "uidp&" if it successed to get. An empty string is returned and a value
      0xffffffff is set to the address of "uidp&" if it failed to get. The file
      pointer of opened "Shell.ini" file moves to position number of the next
      silkscreen icon when it finished to read caption.

   PSiWriteCurrentAppUid:(fp%, uid&)
      It overwrites a long integer value to current file position as the appli-
      cation UID assigned to the silkscreen icon. The first argument "fp%" is
      the file descriptor of opened "Shell.ini" file. The second argument "uid&"
      is the new application UID to overwrite.
      The file pointer of opened "Shell.ini" file moves to position number of
      the next silkscreen icon when it finished to overwrite UID.

   PSiSeekAppDat%:(fp%, pos%)
      It seeks the file pointer of opened "Shell.ini" file to specified position
      of the silkscreen icon information. The first argument "fp%" is the file
      descriptor of opened "Shell.ini" file. The second argument "pos%" is the 
      position number of silkscreen icon.
      It returns a value KTrue% if it success to seek. A value Kalse% is
      returned if it failed. The file pointer of opened "Shell.ini" file is set
      to the position of application UID that is assigned to the spicified silk-
      screen icon when it finished to seek.

      It seeks the file pointer of opened "Shell.ini" file to the first silk-
      screen icon information. The argument "fp%" is the file descriptor of
      opened "Shell.ini" file.
      It returns zero if it successed to seek. The file pointer of opened 
      "Shell.ini" file is set to the position of application UID that is 
      assigned to the first silkscreen icon.

      *** This function is remained for compatibility. It is recommended to use
          PSiSeekHeadOfAppDat&: instead of this function.

      It seeks the file pointer of opened "Shell.ini" file to the first silk-
      screen icon information. The argument "fp%" is the file descriptor of
      opened "Shell.ini" file.
      It returns number of silkscreen icon's information. It returns zero if it
      failes to seek. The file pointer of opened "Shell.ini" file is set to the
      position of application UID that is assigned to the first silkscreen icon.

      It skips the file pointer of opened "Shell.ini" file to the next silk-
      screen icon information. The argument "fp%" is the file descriptor of
      opened "Shell.ini" file.
      It returns a position number of the next silkscreen icon. The file pointer
      of opened "Shell.ini" file is set to the position of application UID that
      is assigned to the next silkscreen icon.

      It reads a long integer value as silkscreen icon's position number from
      current file position of opened "Shell.ini" file. The argument "fp%" is
      the file descriptor of opened "Shell.ini" file.
      It returns a position number of current silkscreen icon and it might be
      a next one of previous silkscreen icon's. No more icon remains if the
      number read is not a next one. But be careful that the number 11 is often
      missed on Series 5mx. The number 12 becomes after 10 if the number 11 is
      The file pointer of opened "Shell.ini" file is set to the position of
      application UID that is assigned to the current silkscreen icon when it
      finished to read.

      It gets a string data from current file position of opened "Shell.ini"
      file. The argument "fp%" is the file descriptor of opened "Shell.ini"
      file. The file pointer must be placed to the byte that the string length
      is stored when this function is called.
      It returns a string data read. The file pointer is set to next byte of the
      end of string when it finished to read.

      It skips a string data at current file position of opened "Shell.ini"
      file. The argument "fp%" is the file descriptor of opened "Shell.ini"
      file. The file pointer must be placed to the byte that the string length
      is stored when this function is called.
      The file pointer is set to next byte of the end of string.

      It returns a string length stored into current file position of opened
      "Shell.ini" file. The argument "fp%" is the file descriptor of opened
      "Shell.ini" file. The file pointer must be placed to the byte that the
      string length is stored when this function is called.
      The file pointer is set to start byte of the string when it finished.

5. Note
   5.1. Any functions in this module do not check existence or access permission
        of the "Shell.ini" file. They should be checked in the parent procedures
        before calling functions in this module.

   5.2  Modification on "Shell.ini" takes effect when the system shell restarts.
        If you change some preferences of the system shell before restarting the
        "Shell.ini" file, all modifications will be lost.

6. Licences
   6.1. The copyright of this program and other related products distributed
        together (source codes, documents, etc.) belongs to the author of this

   6.2. This program is distributed as freeware by the copyrighter. There needs
        no payment to use it whichever for commercial or noncommercial.

   6.3. The author of this program accepts no claims for physical, mental,
        material, monetary, social, religious, political or any kind of damages
        brought on you through using this program. Anyone who use this program
        must abandon its claims for all damages described above.

   6.4. Anyone who got this program can reuse a whole or part of its soure code
        for own products and can redistribute them whichever for commercial or
        noncommercial without permission of the copyrighter.

   6.5. Anyone who makes own products by reusing source code of this program 
        must not prevent the other people from any rights about this program:
        free distribution, free use, free redistribution and free reuse.

   6.6. It regards that you agreed to all articles listed above in this chapter
        when you use this program or reuse source code of it.

7. Changes history
   Ver.1.00 (1 Jun 2002):
      - Release.

   Ver.1.10 (6 Jul 2003):
      - Added checking feature to some functions that verifies whether it seeked
        correctly to the silkscreen icon information. As a result, there became
        spec changes on some functions.
      - Fixed a bug that it cannot seek to silkscreen icon informations if there
        was no changes in preferences after hard reset.
      - Corrected explanations about file format of "Shell.ini" on this document.

   Ver.1.11 (12 Sep 2003):
      - Fixed a bug that it cannot seek to silkscreen icon informations if the
        "Web" application was not installed in Series 5mx.

   Ver.1.12 (25 Oct 2004):
      - Added "PSiGetAppCaptionFromFile$:" function.
      - Added "PSiReadPosNo&:" function.
      - Added "PSiSeekHeadOfAppDat&:" function.
      - Rewrited a headder file.
      - Modified a default procedure "PSiShowInfo:" as a sample program.
      - Modified some other functions.
      - Corrected explanations about functions on this document.